Coding with Scrath: un repte divertit, some challenging fun!


Preparar tot un curs de programació en Anglès del no res ha estat un repte professional tant pel professor de la matèria, Carlos Salvadó,  com per a mi mateixa. Sent aquest el segon any del GEP (grup experimental de plurilingüisme recolzat pel Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya), la matèria en qüestió havia de complir amb tots els requisits curriculars integrant l’ús de l’anglès al contingut d’una àrea tan nova com la de la programació i adaptar-la a alumnat de 13 anys. L’objectiu era clar: havíem de motivar l’alumnat a aprendre a programar amb Scratch 2.0 i a millorar la seva competència en llengua anglesa alhora. Mentre planificàvem el curs i les diferents activitats, no érem del tot conscients del què ens esperava. Alguns alumnes semblaven espantats per començar a aprendre quelcom tan nou per ells com la programació en una llengua aliena. Uns altres no volien parlar per timidesa o a causa de falta de confiança. Alguns es van queixar de que hi havia molt de treball de llengua i que era avorrit. Però això va ser les primeres dues setmanes. Poc a poc, totes les peces demostraven tenir sentit quan van començar a treballar en els seus projectes, primer individualment i després en grups, arribant, finalment, a crear les postals animades de Nadal que podeu veure a aquesta pàgina web:

Blanca & Marta card:

Ferran & Hugo card:

Aitor & Christian & Jan & Pau card:

Adrià & David  & Pablo card:

Al final del primer trimestre les opinions de l’alumnat són les següents:

  • “Ha sigut molt divertit” Blanca
  • “M’encanta que hagi arribat el Nadal i que tinguem un projecte tan colorit!” Marta
  • “Muy chulo! M’encanta treballar amb el meu equip!” Pau
  • “Hem gaudit de treballar en grup amb els amics” Cristian
  • “Hem passat bons moments junts” Aitor
  • “Som una pinya!” tot el grup “Vam passar 5 hores fent aquest projecte, però ha valgut la pena” Jan
  • “Ens ha agradat treballar junts” David
  • “Quan no sabíem fer alguna cosa ens ajudàvem els uns als altres.” Adrià
  • “Volem dir que Pablo, que acaba de marxar a viure a un altre país és un company d’equip excel·lent i el trobarem molt a faltar.” David and Adrià
  • “És molt divertit però hi ha molta feina a fer” Ferran
  • “És divertit i interessant, i podem fer tota la feina a classe.” Hugo
  • “ Per a mi, l’anglès és difícil, però he après molt. Al començament volia marxar, però m’agrada la informàtica” Jordi.

Com podeu comprovar, l’alumnat ha après quelcom de programació i, la majoria,  està usant l’anglès amb més seguretat, però l’èxit més important és el d’haver estat capaços d’organitzar-se i col·laborar en els projectes respectant les idees del altres.

Alumnes, estem molt orgullosos de vosaltres i volem compartir-ho amb tothom a través dels vostres projectes.  Vàreu acceptar el repte i esperem molt de vosaltres durant la resta del curs.

L’alumnat i el professorat de “Coding with Scratch” , Carlos Salvadó i Maria José Barón, us desitja Bones Pasqües i feliç Any Nou!

Maria José Barón (Cap de Departament de Llengües Estrangeres i Professora d’anglès)

Preparing a whole course in English from scratch has been a great professional challenge for Carlos Salvadó and myself. Being in the second year of GEP (Plurilingualism Experimenting Group supported by the Education Department of the Government of Catalonia) , the optional subject had to fulfill the curricular requirements integrating English in a content area as new as programming,  and adapt it to 13-year-old students. We had a clear objective: motivate our students to learn how to code with scratch, and improve their English at the same time. While  planning the subject and the activities, we had not expected the reactions of our 2nd of ESO students. First, they seemed scared because they were starting to learn something very new for them, which was coding with Scratch 2.0 in a language which was not theirs. Some of them refused to speak because they were too shy or because they said they did not know enough. Others complained that it was boring or that they had too much language work. Some of them even asked us to leave the subject. That was the first two weeks. However, little by little, all the pieces began to be meaningful when the students started to work on their projects, individually, and later, in groups producing really nice Christmas Cards for the school which are posted on this website. At the end of the 1st term the students opinions about the optional subject and their work are the following:

  • “It has been great fun and enjoyable” Blanca
  • “I love that Christmas is here and we have a colorful project” Marta
  • “Muy chulo! It’s cool! I love working with my team!” Pau
  • “We enjoy working as a group with friends.” Cristian
  • “We spent a good time together.” Aitor
  • “ We are a “pineapple” hahaha!” All the group
  • “We spent five hours doing the project but it was worth it.” Jan
  • “We enjoyed working together” David
  • “When we couldn’t do something we helped each other” Adrià
  • “We want to say that Pablo, who has just left us to move to another country, is an excellent team mate and that we will miss him” David and Adrià
  • “It is a great fun but there is a lot of work to do” Ferran
  • “ It is really fun and interesting and we can do everything in class. I like sports but I also like programming and I am happy to be here” Hugo
  • “For me English is difficult but I learned a lot, In the beginning I wanted to leave and do another subject, but I like computers”Jordi

As you can see, they have learnt some coding and most of them feel they are using English more confidently, but their most important achievement is being able to get organized and cooperate in their groups respecting the others.

Students, we are very proud of you all! And we want everybody to know. We expect a lot from you in the future, keep on working!

Students and teachers of “Coding with Scratch” , Carlos Salvadó and Maria José Barón, want to tell you: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Maria José Barón (Head of Foreign Languages Department and Teacher of English)

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